Get strategic and confident

Positioning Program

Make the pivot by learning and practicing how to identify, translate, and position yourself and your transferrable skills

Program is currently full

Positioning Program

This program focuses on helping you identify, translate, and position your transferrable skills. Over 6-weeks, this program is a mixture of independent digital course work, interactive group workshops, and 1:1 coaching.

6 live, guided workshops, on confidence building, resumes,   interview practice, and more

2, 1:1 coaching sessions

Zeit’s Personalized Transferable Skills Report + Digital Playbooks on networking, interviews, and more

Access to a peer cohort and community of career pivoters

5 Digital playbooks that break down how to pivot

This is for you if:
You need help with everything from identifying to positioning my transferable skills
Program is currently full
Cost: $549
Join Waitlist

Schedule free coaching call

By the end of 6-weeks you will gain...

Confidence about your ability to make a pivot

Insight and support on how to translate and pitch your transferable experience

Inspiration and clarity into what your future role is like and the specific style role to target based on your skills and interests

Tactical frameworks and skill resources to help you make the career pivot

New peer connections to support you pre and post career pivot

Feeling unsure? Questions?

Want to talk it out?

Schedule a free 15-min call

Not into calls? Email us at

I landed a new job! Zeit has been the resource to bridge the gap between Consulting and Customer Success. Access to the positioning resources, network, and peer community has been very beneficial. Cannot recommend Zeit enough for anyone looking to make the jump!
Sierra N.
Pivoted from Consulting to Customer Success
Thank you so much for the pep talk and tips! HOLY MOLY that was the most perfect interview. Went over an hour!
Melanie M.
Pivoted from Marketing to Brand Manager
Zeit gave me a huge boost in my career change process, helping me identify my transferrable strengths and craft a CV that reflects those. It also provided me with an amazing community, resources and insights that together are all contributing to my progress and perseverance on this quest.
James C.
Pivoted from Strategist to Product Manager
Zeit's Transferable Skills Analysis is incredibly helpful. The whole experience is just so approachable. Zeit's secret sauce is empathy and knowing what it's like to pivot careers firsthand. They make you feel supported and ramp up quickly.
Armond C.
Pivoted from Marketing to Brand Manager
Having the Zeit lifelines was HUGE for nailing my at home assignments. I needed to get out of my head and get an outside expert perspective. Their feedback was pivotal in me nailing those offers.
Alex A.
Pivoted from Teaching to UX Research
I recommend Zeit for anyone who is looking for a career pivot. The support of the community, masterclass sessions, and strategy templates make it easier to plan and manage your career! I will continue being a member of this community forever—to celebrate successes and overcome difficult moments together!
Jessica T.
Pivoted from Customer Research to Product Marketing


Who should apply?


We currently focus on 10 pivot tracks and are best suited for people that are interested in exploring and pursuing one or more of those disciplines. (Product Manager, Customer Success Manager, Content Strategist, Product Marketing Manager, Community Manager, Product Operations, UX Researcher, and Data Analyst). We recommend selecting one to start, you can learn more here.

What is the time commitment and when are the live sessions?


Did you know "Zeit" means time? We believe time is the most valuable thing we have in life, and want our members to spend it meaningfully. Our program is designed to accommodate people's professional and post-pandemic social lives :) We recommend planning for 2-3 hours a week for program content and sessions.

Weekly Digital Pivot Sprints - Review digital sprint resources, frameworks, and templates at your own pace once a week. Spend roughly ~30 mins doing the exercises before the weekly check in.

Discuss sprints live with your cohort over video - Come together with your cohort and Zeit coach over video to review weekly sprint material, do group exercises, and ask questions. The check-ins will be once a week for 1-hour. They are either Tuesdays or Wednesday between 8pm-9pm EST based on what works best for your cohort. We recommend you attend each check-in but they will be recorded if you cannot attend.

Attend live Mentor Masterclass sessions - Over the 6-weeks will have two live video sessions with role models that have made the pivot you are looking to make. These sessions are 1-hour and held between 7-9pm EST. All sessions are recorded if you cannot attend. Members are free to attend ANY masterclass sessions to learn about various roles.

1:1 coaching session with Pivot experts - You will have daily access to Zeit coaches in the Slack and have the ability to schedule a 1-hour, 1:1 session based on your availability at any point during the program.

How does the cohort work?


Cohorts are like a team! They are a group of people you start the program with. Each cohort is a mix of people pursuing different or the same tracks so that you get to broaden your network. By the end of the program, your cohort feel like family. Like, some of our members are now going for walks and texting kinda friends. Don’t worry, you’ll also get to meet people from prior cohorts once you become a member.

Is everything remote?


Yes! We have weekly digital check-ins with your cohort over Zoom and our community currently lives on Slack so you can collect anytime. 

What if I am making an internal pivot within my company?


We got you! Our program is designed to help internal career pivoters as well. Our frameworks and coaching will help you navigate internal conversations ! 

Will I land a job?


Heck yea, we believe you can and will! Just to stick to facts, over 75% of our members have either landed career pivots or are progressing through interviews as we speak! 

When is the next cohort?


We start cohorts every 6 weeks. So, if you just missed this one please sign up for the next one to reserve your spot as programs fill up quickly. We’ll email you 2-3 weeks before the cohort opens up to set you up for enrollment. Sign up for the next one

Have a questions we didn't cover? Email us at or Schedule a 15-min call

Need some more support?

Join our discovery program

This is a 6-week program, with a mixture of independent digital course work, interactive group workshops, and 1:1 coaching.